After a few successful sessions on policy regarding the management of M365, this meeting of the Digital Collaboration Knowledge Network takes a closer look at the technology. Alex Top, System Engineer M365 at the RDW takes the participants through the management of M365 using Powershell. In the second part of the afternoon there is room for deepening with the help of scripts.
During this meeting of the Digital Collaboration Knowledge Network, we get a look behind the scenes of the RDW’s M365 management team. Alex Top, System Engineer of the RDW, will tell and show participants more about various aspects of management using PowerShell in two parts. During the entire session there is room for interaction and questions from participants.
Why you should perform M365 management with PowerShell; Isn’t it also possible via the various Admin Portals? During this presentation you will get a look behind the scenes (and scripts) of the M365 management team at the RDW. We will focus on managing guest accounts, reporting with teams info, creating new teams and monitoring inactive teams.
During the second part we dive a little deeper with topics such as Access reviews, TeamsCalling management scripts and PowerShell script.
Reactie organisatie:
Wat gebeurt er als je M365, PowerShell en een ontzettend bevlogen System Engineer combineert? Dan krijg je een hele boeiende middag! Zo bleek gisteren tijdens ons Kennisnetwerk Digitaal Samenwerken bij de RDW. Vol enthousiasme vertelde Alex Top aan de hand van concrete voorbeelden en scripts over beheer van M365 met behulp van PowerShell bij de RDW. Bedankt aan alle deelnemers en natuurlijk aan Alex Top en de RDW voor het mogelijk maken van deze bijeenkomst!