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  • 07/06/2023 – User Group Noord Nederland

07/06/2023 – User Group Noord Nederland

After a long period of inactivity due to Corona, we are going to restart our meetings. Our first meeting is hosted by AC Plus in Haren. Of course we hope to meet you all again as much as possible. Below is a brief description of the sessions.

Part 1: Marianne van Wanrooij: What you can do with eDiscovery
Information lives everywhere. Messages in email, chat messages, documents and not everything is in Microsoft365. There are countless sources where important information is kept. And then an information request comes in. How do you “rake” the information together? And how do you make sure that you don’t “give everything away”, or leak sensitive information and that there are no duplicate results. In this session, Marianne van Wanrooij shows how you can use eDiscovery to handle information requests properly. A must for every company that has to deal with WOO requests, but can also be used for the (semi-)government in the context of the GDPR.
We’re going to see what you can do within the E3 variant of eDiscovery, but the “real magic” is in Advanced eDiscovery which is part of E5 Compliance module, which will be covered extensively.

Part 2: Alex Top: Managing M365 using Powershell
Alex Top, System Engineer M365 at the RDW, takes us through the management of M365 using PowerShell. Because why would you run M365 management with PowerShell; Isn’t it also possible via the various Admin Portals? During this presentation you will get a look behind the scenes of the M365 management team at the RDW. We will discuss guest account management, reporting with Teamsinfo, creating new Teams and monitoring inactive Teams.

Reactie van de organisatie:

Gisteren hebben we een herstart gemaakt met de Microsoft 365 User Group Noord-Nederland (#M365UGNN). Voor deze gelegenheid waren we te gast bij AC Plus Automatisering B.V..

Het was een geslaagde avond met twee leuke sessies. 
Eerst een sessie van Marianne van Wanrooij over eDiscovery en daarna een sessie van Alex Top hoe je middels PowerShell je M365 omgeving kan beheren.

Nogmaals dank voor de gastvrijheid van AC Plus Automatisering en alle deelnemers van deze Meetup!

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