For instance, you have a SharePoint Online List with a bunch of users in it (column field ‘People’), for example ‘Users who followed training’. And now you want to check if each M365-Group member has followed training. In this post I’ll explain how I did it.
I’ve created a function ‘Get-ListUsersWhoFollewedTraining’. The first step is to get a Graph API connection.
function Get-ListUsersWhoFollewedTraining {
param (
Write-Host "`tConnect to Microsoft Graph"
# Connect to Micorosoft Graph
try {
[System.Collections.IDictionary]$graphApiConnection = New-GraphApiConnection -applicationId $clientId
} catch {
Write-Host -ErrorFlag "`t...something went wrong with [New-GraphApiConnection]"
Write-Host -ErrorFlag "`tERROR : $($_.Exception.message)"
$status = 1
return $status
The function ‘New-GraphApiConnection’ is described in this post
Than you can connect to SharePoint Online with a site- and listname. In this example I hardcoded the site- and listname; you can also apply them as parameters.
function Get-ListUsersWhoFollewedTraining {
param (
Write-Host "`tGet list of Users who follewed training"
# Connect to Micorosoft Graph
try {
[System.Collections.IDictionary]$graphApiConnection = New-GraphApiConnection -applicationId $clientId
} catch {
Write-Host -ErrorFlag "`t...something went wrong with [New-GraphApiConnection]"
Write-Host -ErrorFlag "`tERROR : $($_.Exception.message)"
$status = 1
return $status
# Connect to SPO
$siteName = '<sitename>'
$uri = "$siteName"
$siteObj = (Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $graphApiConnection -Uri $uri -Method GET).Value | Select-Object id
# Connect to List
$listName = '<listname>'
$uri = "$($$listName"
$listObj = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $graphApiConnection -Uri $uri -Method GET | Select-Object id
# Get List Users
$uri = "$($$($"
$listUsers = ((Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $graphApiConnection -Uri $uri -Method GET).value).fields | Select-Object MedewerkerLookupId
Now you have a list of Users who followed the training. But…
In this list you’ll only see an ID of the user; the info about the user (like DisplayName, UPN, emailaddress) is in the ‘HiddenUserList’ behind this page. To go to the HiddenUserList, you can use ‘/_layouts/15/people.aspx?membershipGroupId=0’ after the URL. In this example the ID of the HiddenUserList is hardcoded given to the function. Put al info in a list so later we can loop through it.
function Get-ListUsersWhoFollewedTraining {
param (
Write-Host "`tGet list of Users who follewed training"
# Connect to Micorosoft Graph
try {
[System.Collections.IDictionary]$graphApiConnection = New-GraphApiConnection -applicationId $clientId
} catch {
Write-Host -ErrorFlag "`t...something went wrong with [New-GraphApiConnection]"
Write-Host -ErrorFlag "`tERROR : $($_.Exception.message)"
$status = 1
return $status
# Connect to SPO
$siteName = '<sitename>'
$uri = "$siteName"
$siteObj = (Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $graphApiConnection -Uri $uri -Method GET).Value | Select-Object id
# Connect to List
$listName = '<listname>'
$uri = "$($$listName"
$listObj = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $graphApiConnection -Uri $uri -Method GET | Select-Object id
# Get List Users
$uri = "$($$($"
$listUsers = ((Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $graphApiConnection -Uri $uri -Method GET).value).fields | Select-Object MedewerkerLookupId
# Get List Hidden User items
# Get through "/_layouts/15/people.aspx?membershipGroupId=0" after URL
$uri = "$($$ListHiddenUserInfoId/items?expand=fields"
$listHiddenUserInfo = ((Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $graphApiConnection -Uri $uri -Method GET).value).fields | Select-Object UserSelection,SipAddress,Title
$AllHiddenUsers = @() # Save here selected info of the HiddenUserList
# Save each value in temporary object $hiddenUserObject
ForEach ($HiddenUserItem in $ListHiddenUserInfo) {
$Obj_HiddenUserInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{
LookupId = $HiddenUserItem.UserSelection
Upn = $HiddenUserItem.SipAddress
DisplayName = $HiddenUserItem.Title
$AllHiddenUsers += $Obj_HiddenUserInfo # Add temporary object to the list
The last thing to do is to loop through al users from the list en check if they exist in the list of AllHiddenUsers
function Get-ListUsersWhoFollewedTraining {
param (
Write-Host "`tGet list of Users who follewed training"
# Connect to Micorosoft Graph
try {
[System.Collections.IDictionary]$graphApiConnection = New-GraphApiConnection -applicationId $clientId
} catch {
Write-Host -ErrorFlag "`t...something went wrong with [New-GraphApiConnection]"
Write-Host -ErrorFlag "`tERROR : $($_.Exception.message)"
$status = 1
return $status
# Connect to SPO
$siteName = '<sitename>'
$uri = "$siteName"
$siteObj = (Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $graphApiConnection -Uri $uri -Method GET).Value | Select-Object id
# Connect to List
$listName = '<listname>'
$uri = "$($$listName"
$listObj = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $graphApiConnection -Uri $uri -Method GET | Select-Object id
# Get List Users
$uri = "$($$($"
$listUsers = ((Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $graphApiConnection -Uri $uri -Method GET).value).fields | Select-Object MedewerkerLookupId
# Get List Hidden User items
# Get through "/_layouts/15/people.aspx?membershipGroupId=0" after URL
$uri = "$($$ListHiddenUserInfoId/items?expand=fields"
$listHiddenUserInfo = ((Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $graphApiConnection -Uri $uri -Method GET).value).fields | Select-Object UserSelection,SipAddress,Title
$AllHiddenUsers = @() # Save here selected info of the HiddenUserList
# Save each value in temporary object $hiddenUserObject
ForEach ($HiddenUserItem in $ListHiddenUserInfo) {
$Obj_HiddenUserInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{
LookupId = $HiddenUserItem.UserSelection
Upn = $HiddenUserItem.SipAddress
DisplayName = $HiddenUserItem.Title
$AllHiddenUsers += $Obj_HiddenUserInfo # Ad temporary object to the list
# Loop through the userlist and save UPN's
$AllTrainedUsers = @()
ForEach ($UserItem in $listUsers) {
$User = $AllHiddenUsers | Where-Object {$_.lookupId -eq $UserItem.MedewerkerLookupId}
$AllTrainedUsers += $User.Upn
return $AllTrainedUsers
Now you have a object with all trained users in it. To check if the members of a M365 Group has followed the training, just get all members of the M365 Group and check if they exist in the $AllTrainedUsers object.
Good luck with your code of getting UserName of a SharePoint Online List with the Graph.API in PowerShell
I’ve you have a better way of doing this, please let me know be sending an email to