Microsoft Viva Connections is the Microsoft gateway to a modern employee experience and is designed to keep everyone engaged and informed. Viva Connections is a customizable app in Microsoft Teams that gives different audiences in your organization a personalized destination to discover other Viva apps your organization is licensed for, relevant news, conversations, and the…
SharePoint Online
Posts about SharePoint Online
Organization Assets Library for Images
If your organization needs to store and manage images for all your users to use, you can specify one or more document libraries on a SharePoint site as an “Organization Asset Library”. You can specify up to 30 Organization Asset Libraries for a single organization. All of these libraries must be on the same site….
How to setup SPO Custom Error Page
Do you want a better looking 404 page for modern SharePoint Online Communication Sites? When someone enters a wrong URL of receives a link to a page that has already been deleted, they can be redirected to a Custom Error Page. Here you can explain the situation and direct the visitor to the homepage. Before…