To reduce lines of code, it would be nice if you can only add parameter if they have a value. For instance when you want to install a PowerShell-Module. The way I did it before is like this: [IST] [SOLL] It would be nice, if there was something like this: [Solved] Unfurtunately that wasn’t working….
Connect to Graph Application with your credentials
Does your company have the policy not to use ClientSecret of Certificate when connecting to the Graph Application, as ClientSecret and Certificate can be used by unauthorized persons? In a lot of posts online, I only read about using ClientSecret or if that wasn’t possible using Certificate. But I needed none of that; I wanted…
How to setup SPO Custom Error Page
Do you want a better looking 404 page for modern SharePoint Online Communication Sites? When someone enters a wrong URL of receives a link to a page that has already been deleted, they can be redirected to a Custom Error Page. Here you can explain the situation and direct the visitor to the homepage. Before…
07/06/2023 – User Group Noord Nederland
After a long period of inactivity due to Corona, we are going to restart our meetings. Our first meeting is hosted by AC Plus in Haren. Of course we hope to meet you all again as much as possible. Below is a brief description of the sessions. Part 1: Marianne van Wanrooij: What you can…
16/05/2023 – Samenwerking Noord
After a few successful sessions on policy regarding the management of M365, this meeting of the Digital Collaboration Knowledge Network takes a closer look at the technology. Alex Top, System Engineer M365 at the RDW takes the participants through the management of M365 using Powershell. In the second part of the afternoon there is room…